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no logo my ego

no logo my ego

  “ For one thing, the suggestion that true popular power lies in choosing between Mars Bars and Fry’s Chocolate Cream bars suggests a certain decline in the democratic ideal from the days of Thomas Jefferson, not to speak of the Athenian city-state....
the chairman of the bored

the chairman of the bored

“So if you are bored, don’t tell anyone. But here are eighteen things you can do by yourself . . . give yourself a massage, munch a carrot very slowly, purchase a magazine that you wouldn’t ordinarily read, like Playgirl, New Republic, Ms.  . . .and...

a good sport is a team player

[flowplayer src=’′ splash=’’] The first rule of the game is that it is not a game. Everyone must play. You...
potentially offensive releases

potentially offensive releases

“The women demanded  a standardized ratings system, with specific symbols to be used to identify ‘profanity, violence, suicide, or sexually explicit lyrics. . .Further ratings would identify albums that glorified drug use and alcohol abuse or that featured...
missed glass

missed glass

“TIP: If glass gets broken, pick up every sliver before your baby does. Pick up the largest pieces by hand. Vacuum thoroughly or sweep with a broom, using a damp newspaper as a dustpan. Use damp paper towels to wipe up the entire area. Turn the lights off and...