a suit for a benjamin

a suit for a benjamin

  “My unexpected Appearance surpriz’d the family; all however were very glad to see me and made me Welcome, except my Brother. I went to see him at his Printing-House: I was better dress’d than ever while in his Service, having a genteel new...
calculated exaggeration

calculated exaggeration

“In that most attractively adhesive of Russian novels, Oblomov, the protagonist devotes his life to finding more and better reasons for not getting out of bed. He finally stops going to the coffeehouse to see his friends because he knows that they will want to...
Creative Shame Reduction Experiment, Trial 2

Creative Shame Reduction Experiment, Trial 2

“Suicide is the ultimate act of Shame,” me “Suicide is an act of Violent Narcissism,” mike (quotes from last night’s conversation with Mike Schmidt, Qi Gong teacher and Energy Healer) Our chat was on Facebook Live, on my Boo Trundle page. I was...