goodyear ad, 1966


“Miss Rand provided a handy set of rules for every patriotic moviemaker to follow:

Don’t Smear the Free Enterprise System.
Don’t Deify the ‘Common Man‘.
Don’t Glorify Failure.
Don’t Smear Industrialists.
Don’t Smear Success.”

author Otto Friedrich quoting Ayn Rand  Add a Tooltip Text



A theoretical American worked:

–at a catering company that made fresh pasta. Her long, straight hair got caught in the pasta machine and it pulled her down into the slicer. She survived. Lost some hair.

— taking pictures of people with a life-size cut out of Ronald Reagan on the boardwalk in Virginia Beach. She charged $10 for a polaroid picture. It did look real.

–at Subway sandwiches for one day. They do bake their own bread and cookies.

–at a Special Collections library haunted by H.P. Lovecraft, author of The Rats in the Walls, The Thing on the Doorstep, Old Bugs, The Evil Clergyman, and many more.

–playing guitar in a café. Patrons complained that she depressed them. Fired.

–at a salon in San Francisco. Free haircuts, but she didn’t get to choose the style.

–for two guys who promoted Monster Truck Events. They were both named Steve, and sometimes they pretended to be each other. She had to keep that straight when she answered the phones.

— at the top of the World Trade center. Gone now. She got sick up there. There was a swaying thing. She didn’t like to take two elevators. Gone now.

–for a French paté company. All the paté she could eat. She didn’t actually know what it was, paté. She ate a lot of it before she found out.

–at a lamp factory, a small one. She shocked herself too often; got demoted to shipping. Quit.