[flowplayer src=’http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/eliotmagoo2.m4v’ splash=’http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Screen-Shot-2013-07-18-at-12.20.19-PM.png’]


AFV Official Rules

SEASON XXIV 2013 – 2014

Cara Communications Corporation (d/b/a Vin Di Bona Productions) is the sponsor of the Season XXIV contest (“Contest”) and the producer (“Producer”) of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” (the “Program” or “AFV”), a television series featuring home videos and seeking submission by members of the public of their home videos showing funny and/or unique events for possible telecast on the ABC Television Network owned by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“Network” or “ABC”). Only videos conforming to Network’s Broadcast Standards and Practices, based on Producer’s and Network’s judgment, as they determine in their sole discretion, will be eligible for consideration in the Contest.



Jake’s older sister put him into a box when he was four months old. She asked her mom for tape. She was planning to mail him somewhere. (Far away.) Luckily, her mom caught the whole thing on video. So cute! And funny! The box was never mailed.

At Jake’s tenth birthday party, his mother accidentally dropped the cake on his head. The candles set his hair on fire. Some of it never grew back. Weird!

Jake’s treasured pet, a bulldog named Buddy, grew tragically gassy as he got older. Buddy’s farts were a source of constant entertainment for Jake’s family, their friends and neighbors. In time, the smell grew so noxious that his parents decided to put Buddy to sleep. Had to be done. LOL.

An amusing skateboarding accident left him infertile.
A wacky waterskiing mishap sent him to the hospital.

By then, video cameras were in every phone and handheld device on the market. It was no longer unusual to record life’s moments, big and small. This was expected, even blasé.
A nurse tripped over a cord and unknowingly cut off his supply of oxygen. The end of Jake was caught on tape.



video clip: opening theme for Mr. Magoo, 1950s
audio clip: T. S. Eliot reading “The Dry Salvages” from “Four Quartets”