[based on dialogue with Caroline Kelley, Phd. and Tim Lyons, almost Phd.]

How do we live? How do we live our lives? Self-help? Is Self-help our god? The Gay Science, Eternal Recurrence, Every Aspect of Your Life Will Be Repeated Again and Again, What If, a philosophy in moments, everything is collapsed within the now, into the now, atomistic, a vision of space time, a compacted moment, Amor Fati, against shame, love of one’s fate, self abandonment by the removal of any kind of past self, love of one’s fate, learn to accept what’s necessary and say yes to it, reality is god, useless to resist, Nietzsche says accept it, say yes, stoicism, you can’t change the world but you can change your orientation to it, character as destiny, a simple self-abandonment. The herd mentality, all of this is one moment, so shame is superfluous, there’s no agency, no doer behind the deed, eastern concept, the genealogy of morals, character is temperament, organisms equal character, a physiological enactment of character, in metaphysics, god is absolute, being is a problem in contemporary philosophy, that dream you have about going to heaven, relief from the bondage of self, even though I’m going to die and disappear into the darkness, incentive to live better is that this is the only moment, not to instruct in morality, love everything that’s necessary, accept honor engage feel, whatever you are doing now is not fully embracing the sacred in the moment, everything to do with suffering, dionysian passions, every single dying moment, might as well let go and love, so it is self help, letting go as letting go of the strictures of the censorious eye, the censorious I, removal of your own narrative of interpretation, razor’s edge of really being present, not exactly pain, but it ain’t comfortable, to enjoy yourself is not easy, to enjoy yourself is not relaxing, circles, fate, to try… life is an experiment, life is an essay, life is a try. Against conformity, what is good, what is bad, burden of self, burden of being, , subjectivity is up for grabs, experiment, stay open to being swayed out of complacency…

okay chew on that.

and this is from a website called AskPhilosophers.org

Could someone elaborate on Nietzsche’s criticism of shame? In particular when he says ‘What is most human about you? – To spare someone shame.” I recognize the connection between this, and the falling tightrope walker in the part one of _Thus Spoke Zarathustra_, and that he falls because the buffoon shames him. I conclude from this that Nietzsche means to shame someone is to point them away from the path towards the overman. This, coupled with his belief that admitting you are wrong, even when you are right, is a good thing, leads to the idea that humoring someone, allowing them to persist in false ideas, which could do them harm, is the good thing to do. Does he mean then that we shouldn’t correct people in their mistakes for fear of shaming them? This seems at odds with the purpose and practice of philosophy.