
“I have shot several films in New York City and, while scouting for locations I have often seen tape marks that other productions have left behind—proof that most New York movies follow well-worn pathways.”

—John Lindley, cinematographer

The other day someone tweeted a photo of forty-something Molly Ringwald performing on stage with a microphone. It looked like she was crooning, singing a show-tune or something, so I did a “quick” internet search. Down I went, deep into the Molly Ringwald wormhole. What I learned: Molly has released a jazz recording, her hair is still blazing red, she is married and has children. She lives an admirably productive life in Los Angeles.

Molly even published a collection of short stories that a critic described as “workshop fiction.” Her fans on Amazon have only glowing things to say about it. These fans forged a lifelong bond with Molly during the eighties, when she won their hearts in movies like The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles. These fans support her projects, as varied and workshoppy as they may be. Molly just has to make an appearance once in a while on morning TV.

In some countries, women wear thong bikinis. Really, just a tiny triangle in the front and a string between their butt cheeks. This swimsuit is not popular here in the United States, but occasionally you see one, maybe at the Jersey Shore. They aren’t illegal or anything.

That movie Wellville about eating cereal and being constipated; about searching for truth, and cheating on your spouse.

That movie Johnny Guitar where Joan Crawford plays a gun-slinging butch.

That movie Against All Odds, sexy scenes shot in sweaty places under a burning sun.

Projects. Projects. Projects.