transcendentalism without trying

transcendentalism without trying

what I know about transcendentalism is that it was a movement in the northeast region of the united states of america in the 1800s and ralph waldo emerson either started it, or cofounded it with henry david thoreau and the usual uncredited women in their circle....

divorce q + a

divorce q + a

Every now and then someone asks me deep questions about my divorce, which happened exactly and painfully on DEC 18, 2018. My perspective on this life event changes day by day, week by week. The experience has opened a spigot to the grief inside of me. I suspected it...

would it be too bold to imagine that you’re mad at me…

would it be too bold to imagine that you’re mad at me…

and hiding it?? some new stuff i am looking into for the emotional future project: there's an expert on emotions named paul ekman... a psychologist... who has been publishing books on emotions for fifty plus years. he lives out in northern california and works with...

a feelings machine

a feelings machine

What are you feeling? Can you locate the feeling in your body? Can you locate your body? Can you locate a doctor who can locate your body? If you don’t like doctors, try a lover. If you don’t want a lover, perhaps a personal trainer. To host a feeling in my body. The...

crackpot or cracked pot

crackpot or cracked pot

i've always suspected the feeling comes first but where does it come from? a feeling comes. there are no words for this feeling and really, let's stop with the words for feelings. WORDS ARE NOT UP TO THE TASK better to use gods let's start with one word for a feeling:...

daddy issues

daddy issues

(just a reminder that i am making myself the subject of this experiment. i therefore speak as a fictional character, the subject "elizabeth." and also, i am reporting all this as the scientist in the white coat, Dr.T.) What did I do? Scrambled for connection and...

a buffet of marital bickering with bloody hands

a buffet of marital bickering with bloody hands

i "live tweeted" macbeth next up: Othello tweets: goal. identify feelings. looking at shakespeare as a template for the reporting of human emotion. the theory i am playing with has to do with feelings as entities that are evolving. that feelings are not unlike viruses...

the demon energy of what you don’t want

the demon energy of what you don’t want

"re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul" walt whitman here's a feeling i was struggling with this week.. i felt bullied by a woman... bullied by a woman... bullied by a woman....(echo echo echo)...

i was a jerk to myself until now

i was a jerk to myself until now

  In the past, I distracted myself… or tormented myself…enslaved myself? with the fantasy, illusion, delusion, obsession that I could get other people to do for me what me what I could only do for myself. … the simple gift of paying attention to my feelings,...

tantrums are messages from outer space

tantrums are messages from outer space

I've been reading, or trying to read, this collection of lectures by the physicist Richard Feynman. theoretical physicists spend a lot of time making things up. they test these ideas later to see if their theories actually hold. this is the way experimenting works in...

is loneliness a monster?

is loneliness a monster?

today i am starting, officially or unofficially, my new writing experience. i just finished printing another final final final final final revision of the novel i have been working on for the last, gulp, six years. gosh maybe seven years? i don't have the balls to...

they get bombed

they get bombed

“The hard sphere," declared the British physicist, Sir James Jeans, "has always a definite position in space; the electron apparently has not. A hard sphere takes up a very definite amount of room, an electron—well, it is probably as meaningless to discuss how much...

emotional states

emotional states

  We’re working with ideas and theories that have built up like rock and sand, mountain and steppe over millions of years. We’re dealing with the evolution of ideas, emotions, and attitudes. The question is: how much can one person affect their own development in...

refused to love her

refused to love her

notes on fear, fight or flight maybe I turned against myself (hypothalamus stimulates action) maybe the selfishness and self-seeking have been a form of isolation (pituitary gland releases hormones) did I back down as soon as there was conflict? (adrenal glands...