judicial legislative executive

judicial legislative executive

  "An army of neurotic ants lives in the jungle of some remote country. In their journey they've uncovered a trail formed by three overlapping circles. Here's the challenge: the ants have to find a route that covers every part of this odd trail. The route can't...

cultural contribution

cultural contribution

  “I myself am a failure at raising funds and sustaining my work. As a visiting artist I can hardly support basic functions. I do not have health insurance, life insurance, storage or insurance for art works; I do not have savings, retirement funds, medical plan,...

glorified failure

glorified failure

  "Miss Rand provided a handy set of rules for every patriotic moviemaker to follow: Don't Smear the Free Enterprise System. Don't Deify the 'Common Man'. Don't Glorify Failure. Don't Smear Industrialists. Don't Smear Success." author Otto Friedrich quoting Ayn...

Sit Ye Down

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/BrazildirectedbyTerryGilliamc.1985.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-31-at-12.02.00-PM1.png'] "If a fish is born in your aquarium and you call him...

the ledge of perfection

the ledge of perfection

  "Consider not only the source of your food but the consequences to your health. Shiny red tomatoes in winter lure us in with their novelty, but where do they come from? The source of those tomatoes is a warm, sunny, faraway place. To withstand the journey from...

to scale

to scale

(These are a few of the fake nails designed for Adriana La Cerva of The Sopranos.)   RKP Proctor Theatre, 1915 112-116 Market Street "Built to replace the smaller Proctor's Theater on Park Place, this was a classic example of the vaudeville and cinema palaces...

It’s All Good

It’s All Good

  "Americans who are not poor find American individualism a satisfying ideology, for it explains their success in life by laying it at their own doorstep. This enables them to feel proud of their success, even if it is modest, rather than somehow ashamed of it....

parallel bars

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Marriage-of-Maria-Braun-dir.by-R.-W.-Fassbinder.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-22-at-3.03.43-PM.png']   "Anyone who wears the Bunny...

One Giant Molecule

One Giant Molecule

  "Our new technologies, combined with our numbers, have made us, collectively, a force of nature." ---Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth     101. Jimmie J. J. Walker. Child...

waste management

waste management

  "It is enough to be convinced once and for all that reality is change, that change is indivisible, and that in an indivisible change the past is one with the present." --Henri Bergson [tooltip title="" content="The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics....

guilt is a racket

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/altered-states.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-15-at-12.49.59-PM-1.png']       "One major situation in which people give phony or...

The Square

The Square

  "Given my current state of enlightenment, I wouldn't dream of circulating through the bar scene— barhopping, we called it— but I did in those days. In the sixties and seventies, that's what you did for recreation. That's how you met guys. That's how you got...

Zzzzzzzzz (TM)

Zzzzzzzzz (TM)

  "Don't feel guilty about your past and commit more guilt for yourself to ease the pain." ---Erje Ayden, The Legend of Erje Ayden  The Mao silkscreen...

Buckle your pants over your waist.

Buckle your pants over your waist.

    El que no agarra consejo, no llega a viejo. He who doesn't take advice doesn't reach old age. El  que quiera saber sus defectos, que se case y el que quiera saber sus cualidades, que se muera. One who wants to know his defects should marry; one who wants...

“flattening of affect”

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/blade-runner.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screen-Shot-2012-08-01-at-5.37.57-PM.png']   "Life is a trifle; Honor is all; Shoulder the rifle; Answer the call....

Basic Box Step

Basic Box Step

  Here's a corporate bedtime story about a Montana forest fire in 1949. The crew chief, a firefighter named Wagner Dodge, leads fifteen "smokejumpers" into the fire. The story is excerpted from Leadership Presence, a handbook for shy executives.  "Dodge and his...

the end of the line

the end of the line

  "There is a second side to playing fish beyond just tiring them out. That is the psychological. If you can destroy their will to fight, you can subdue them more quickly. That's the reason why I let fish run on a completely slack line. They think they're free....

Gaelic Void

Gaelic Void

  B. Realms of Value  1. Ethics. The nature of good and evil. The problems of conduct and ultimate objectives.    a. The worth of living.  (1) Optimism. Existence is good. Life is worth living. Our outlook can be hopeful. (2) Pessimism. Existence is evil. Life is...