get a dog

get a dog

  "What is the medical name for a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach? Epigastric sensation."   from the Handy Science Answer Book [tooltip title="" content="Compiled by the Science and Technology Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, c. 1994."...

Mani Pedi

  "And that madness—talking to animals, trees, that part of themselves which suffocates and explodes, that transference—you find it in all women, including women of the middle class. It's what I call their neurosis. Neurosis in women is so ancient, thousands of...

Am I Real? and other horrible questions

Am I Real? and other horrible questions

"This happened back during the time when I still believed, if it could properly be called believing, that humans were the sole repository for a person, and that there was only one person filling each repository, a single person crammed into each casing of blood and...



  "It might be useful to conceive of enculturation as an internalization of culture and an organization of individual differences. Different personalities may adhere to cultural norms and play socially defined roles in a variety of ways but within acceptable...



  Law and Order: Criminal Intent, The Bill Cunningham show, Charlie Rose, Bob the Builder, Taste This, The Fugitive, Emperatriz, Corazon Apasianado, Gunsmoke, Rosa Diamanté, Super Why!, America's Court with Judge Ross, Superfood Juicer, Insanity Workout, Family...

correct me if i’m wrong

correct me if i’m wrong

  Where do correct ideas come from? Do they drop from the skies? No. Are they innate in the mind? No. They come from social practice, and from it alone; they come from three kinds of social practice: the struggle for production, the class struggle, and scientific...

instead of a bum

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   “What is a picture? On film, it’s the result of the clustering of...

They May Not Want to Talk to You

They May Not Want to Talk to You

  “There was hatred in some glances, but generally more curiosity than hatred.  We were representatives of an enemy power that had employed a weapon far more terrible and deadly than poison gas, yet in the four hours we spent in Hiroshima none so much as spat at...

Operation Big Buzz

Operation Big Buzz

"An article published in 1999 details several experiments conducted by the United States to perfect yellow fever as a weapon: Operations Bellwether, Big Buzz, Magic Sword, and Big Itch. Some were conducted by a military contractor, Lewis P. Gebhardt, then the head of...

the truth about me

the truth about me

"I've mentioned Sister's beauty. There's no denying that I was the ugly duckling, thanks to my fat and my pimples. Sister was the top Bankhead girl until I got into the theater. She liked to dance and swim and ride. She was an excellent student, I was an indifferent...

the conditions that foster creep

the conditions that foster creep

  "Yet the big cat— whom wildlife experts call "the Rolls Royce of North American predators"— also had a noisy chorus of defenders. "The slaughtered cougar," wrote one angry reader about the Times's coverage of the Fike attack, "had more sanctity, honesty, and...

other time-honored activities

other time-honored activities

  "Activities" Activities are a way of structuring time that deal with external reality and are commonly thought of as work, getting something done. Activities are often what people want to do, need to do, or have to do: collecting stamps preparing homework...

wash it clean

wash it clean

  "In giving the Furies their place, we may come to recognize that they are not such alien presences as we think in our moments of evading them. In fact, far from being alien, they are part of ourselves, like all gods and demons. The conspiracy to forget them, or...

a waste of energy

a waste of energy

"Heat is inherently untidy. It is the most disorderly form of energy. However, all the other forms of energy, when used, are converted into the energy of heat, so that the tendency is for all the energy in the universe to fall into a state of disorder. Because of its...

anger at war with desire

anger at war with desire

"The story is, that Leontius, the son of Aglaion, coming up one day under the Piraeus, under the north wall on the outside, observed some dead bodies lying on the ground at the place of execution. He felt a desire to see them, and also a dread and abhorrence of them;...

forgiveness of the birds

[flowplayer src='' width=640 height=360 splash='']     "One may stand perplexed before some thought,...

but someone has to do it

but someone has to do it

    "one's position determines one's feelings. And yet to walk on top of a thing is not to prevail over it— it is more the opposite, a disguised dependency, by which the slave completes the master." Louise Gluck [tooltip title="" content="from the poem...

Who ate the bread crumbs?

Who ate the bread crumbs?

   "The most important cartographic innovation of the last 500 years is that the maps now have you on them . . . it's very ego-reinforcing. We are literally the center of our world. In the future, reading maps won't be a separate activity from moving around. In...