My Gawd!

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   He, "Yackety yackety yackety." She, "Chatter, chatter, chatter."...

some kind of animal

some kind of animal

"It would be a good idea to clear up one possible source of misunderstanding at the very outset. To some people new to the idea of reincarnation, this concept suggests a series of lifetimes including experiences both as animals and as humans. While some schools of...

she admits water

she admits water

"A long time ago William James corrected a prevailing view of the relation between feelings and action by asserting, for example, that we do not run away because we are afraid but are afraid because we run away. In other words, what we feel when we feel afraid is our...

consumpt (sic)

consumpt (sic)

    "I don't know who you are. I don't know your company. I don't know your company's product. I don't know your company's customers. I don't know your company's record. I don't know your company's reputation. Now—what was it you wanted to sell me?"...

no balk to second base

no balk to second base

  "I tell you what I would change That NO BALK to second base. You know, You can do anything to second base. Yeah, I never did like that. What would you change?" Phil Rizzuto, Oakland at New York, May 10, 1991 [tooltip title="" content="O Holy Cow! The Selected...

how we behave

[flowplayer src='' splash='']     ENID: It's so hard to tell with him. . . He's such a taciturn fellow . . . BECKY: Where did...

striking it rich

striking it rich

  "After reading Howitt’s account of the Australian gold diggings one evening, I had in my mind’s eye, all night, the numerous valleys, with their streams, all cut up with foul pits, from ten to one hundred feet deep, and half a dozen feet across, as close as...



"Foreshortening means violating certain things we know in favor of drawing what we see. It may require you to draw a person you know to be tall and thin as compressed and squat. Of course, when you are finished the drawing will look right. But while you're working it...

all free today

[flowplayer src='' splash=''] "In the field of its highest development, in the United States, the pursuit of wealth, stripped of its...

what to expect

what to expect

  "Rounding the corner two blocks away was a woman. She was running toward Morgan but on the opposite side of the street . . . She ran well. However, her breasts were heavy for her lithe figure. They moved laggingly, as if reluctant to keep pace with the rest of...

“we find a grimmer reality”

“we find a grimmer reality”


holding the rope

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "My inner self was urging me: Now is the time! Now! With those words I was moving to a...

things of the past

things of the past

  There was a brief thing, a relationship, between a young man and a young woman. Young meaning twenty or so. Young meaning dumb. The love affair mattered more to one of them than it did to the other. Turns out, it mattered more to him. She's gone. Nothing he can...

brother steve

brother steve

  "I started tweeting for purely commercial reasons. I realized that when I did a television show to promote a book or record, and that television show had an audience of, say, four million people, about four hundred of them rushed out to buy the book or record....



When she's lying to avoid punishment, she may have broken one of the household rules. For instance, she may have damaged something she shouldn't have been handling. Or maybe she was too rough and she hurt one of her playmates. In any case, she's concluded that what...

tony couldn’t fly

tony couldn’t fly

  Billy Wilder: I made it a little bit more difficult for myself with Sunset Boulevard. It was about the closest of things, you know, to make a picture about Hollywood, about an old star, falling love with a young writer, and committing suicide, attempting...

hairdressing (peluquería)

hairdressing (peluquería)

Don’t cut it too short. No me lo corte demasiado corto. no me lo kor-te de-ma-sya-do kor-to Shave it all off! Aféitelo todo! A-fay-te-lo to-do Please use a new blade. Por favor, use una cuchilla nueva.  Por fa-vor oo-se oo-na koo-chee-lya nwe-va I should never have...

is sadness an illness?

is sadness an illness?

"Yes. I think it has to do with faces. Because I am always interested in faces. I just want you to sit down and look at the human face. But if there is too much going on in the background, if the face moves too much, if you can't see the eyes, if the lighting is too...