the stomach was full

the stomach was full

 "There is, in the act of love, a great resemblance to torture or to a surgical operation." CB     * The photo is very recent and very stolen from National Geographic, November 2011. Photographer is Robert Clark. Thank you, Robert Clark.  

imaginary numbers

imaginary numbers

  "Quite right; but why shouldn't you try to apply the operation of a square root calculation to a negative number anyway? It can't produce a real value, of course, and that's why the result is called imaginary. It's as if you were to say: someone always used to...

I will never dine out again.

[flowplayer src='' splash=''] (2) Personality and health: attitude to fame, vii; her own sex, 3; and influenza, 5;...

it’s none of your business

it’s none of your business

  the story is that a bunch of workers were offered one denarius for working in the fields. some of them started at dawn, some of them started at around ten, others trailed in toward the end of the afternoon. then the landowner came out and paid everyone the same...

weirder is gooder

[flowplayer src='' splash=''] pan-seared scallops . . .

star power

star power

  "Once I was beset by anxiety. I couldn't tell right from left or orient myself. I could have cried out with terror at being lost. But I pushed the fear away—by studying the sky, determining where the moon would come out, where the sun would appear in the...

slow at the bottom

slow at the bottom

of the different rates of speed of currents from the surface of the water to the bottom                   of the different cross slants between the surface and the bottom                 of the different currents on the surface of the waters                 of the...

things of the future

things of the future

    April 5th—I am almost devoured by ennui. Pundit is the only conversible person on board; and he, poor soul! can speak of nothing but antiquities. He has been occupied all the day in the attempt to convince me that the ancient Amriccans governed...

lord, not again

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   but how would you like it if you never knew from one day to the next...

the market parking lot

the market parking lot

In her immaculate kitchen she said, "Yes I've changed. I realized I was being awfully sloppy and self-indulgent. It's no disgrace to be a good homemaker. I've decided to do my job conscientiously, the way Dave does his, and to be more careful about my appearance. Are...

bad environments

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   Why do people often feel bad in good environments and good in bad environments? Why do people often...

apologies to mister fuller

apologies to mister fuller

"There is nothing in the chemistry of a toenail that predicts the existence of a human being. "--R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth   okay... that went down easy . . .are you ready for more? "Thinking itself consists of self-disciplined...

marty . . . bobby

marty . . . bobby

"The actors, whether by technique or accident, gave you pieces of their lives, which is certainly the ultimate generosity of the artist, and they did it unabashed. You were the witness to a final intimacy. These artists spoke to your secret self, the one you hide....

the big lunch

the big lunch

  "Nelson Lyon came over with Michael O'Donoghue, the writer on Saturday Night Live, and he's a funny guy but he doesn't look Irish. He said that at a party I took a picture of him, but I must have been aiming at somebody behind him. He looks like he wants to be...

the normals

the normals

  "An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is considered normal." Victor Frankl, Man's Search For Meaning    

no logo my ego

no logo my ego

  “ For one thing, the suggestion that true popular power lies in choosing between Mars Bars and Fry's Chocolate Cream bars suggests a certain decline in the democratic ideal from the days of Thomas Jefferson, not to speak of the Athenian city-state....

the chairman of the bored

"So if you are bored, don't tell anyone. But here are eighteen things you can do by yourself . . . give yourself a massage, munch a carrot very slowly, purchase a magazine that you wouldn't ordinarily read, like Playgirl, New Republic, Ms.  . . .and read at least two...