a good sport is a team player

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/gloriaIB2.mp4' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/gloriascreen1.jpg'] The first rule of the game is that it is not a game. Everyone must play. You must love us. You must go...

potentially offensive releases

potentially offensive releases

"The women demanded  a standardized ratings system, with specific symbols to be used to identify 'profanity, violence, suicide, or sexually explicit lyrics. . .Further ratings would identify albums that glorified drug use and alcohol abuse or that featured lyrics...

missed glass

missed glass

"TIP: If glass gets broken, pick up every sliver before your baby does. Pick up the largest pieces by hand. Vacuum thoroughly or sweep with a broom, using a damp newspaper as a dustpan. Use damp paper towels to wipe up the entire area. Turn the lights off and use a...

bottled up

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/New-Project-Large1.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Screen-Shot-julesetjim.png'] "As sleek as satin and as chic as the bistro decor of cafes along...

nothing is happening

nothing is happening

Q: There is suffering and bloodshed in East Pakistan at the present moment. How do you look at it? How does it appear to you, how do you react to it? A: In pure consciousness nothing ever happens. Q: Please come down from these metaphysical heights! Of what use is it...

the outskirts of black rock city

the outskirts of black rock city

from the SFGate, August 30 2007 A Burning Man participant was found dead this morning, hanging from the inside of a two-story high tent, according to Mark Pirtle, special agent in charge for the Bureau of Land Management. The apparent suicide would be the festival's...

past and past perfect forever

past and past perfect forever

  The past perfect tense is used to express action  (or to help make a statement about something) completed in the past before some other past action or event. It is formed with had. ----Warriner's English Grammar and Composition  

hoe the phone

hoe the phone

  The Copenhagan Interpretation . . . merely said that the world is decided when the many possibilities of the quantum world “collapse” to become the certainty of the classical or physical one. Which, if you can get around the peculiar scientific usage of the...

truth into lies

truth into lies

  "the compulsive and repeated effort to invent and re-invent oneself is fundamentally a form of 'lying' – or fictionalization – and that 'truth' is made up of a succession of lies. " D. Joselit, Mark Morrisroe’s Photographic Masquerade, 1995 Hair can't lie....


[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/simpsonsgirltrouble14.mp4' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/simpsonsscreen.jpg'] notes for young ladies 1. leave the english accents to the english 2. alcohol is a...


Fascism was not simply a conspiracy—although it was that—but it was something that came to life in the course of a powerful social development. Language provides it with a refuge. Within this refuge a smoldering evil expresses itself as though it were salvation....

borrowed forces

borrowed forces

In its relation to the id, the ego is like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse; with this difference, that the rider tries to do so with his own strength while the ego uses borrowed forces. The analogy may be carried a...

dust in the vaseline

dust in the vaseline

"After a day or two of riding, our troops were terribly saddle sore, to the point of serious disability. To ease the friction, we sent in a hundred jars of Vaseline. But in Afghanistan the dirt is a fine dust and it's everywhere; it lingers in the air and covers you...

the lassies who had the land

the lassies who had the land

    As I roved out one bright May morning To view the purple heather and flowers gay Who should I spy but my own true lover As she sat under yon willow tree I took off my hat and I did salute her I did salute her most courageously When she turned around And...

What then about reproduction?

What then about reproduction?

Suppose we split this chain in two. How can we make another one just like it? If, in the substances of the cells, there is a manufacturing department which brings up phosphate, sugar, and A,B,C,D units not connected in a chain, the only ones which will attach  to our...



                                          what do you think the occupy protesters want?

the right attitude

the right attitude

  "Zeus stores our destinies in his great house, some glitter brightly, but most are hidden." —from Medea  

henny penny cabaret

henny penny cabaret

  “Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, pandemics, cosmic radiation, gamma bursts from space, colliding comets, and asteroids – these catastrophic events have become a common part of our culture. Are natural calamities now more probable, and more...