Ta-Nehisi Coates @ Jerry Maguire

Ta-Nehisi Coates @ Jerry Maguire

I don’t know how much of the evil in the world I should blame myself for. Blame leads to shame, which is a non-doing state of mind.

Stuck with an Evil Inner Child?

Stuck with an Evil Inner Child?

“30 seconds after you’re born you have a past.
And 60 seconds after that you start to lie to yourself about it.”
–Mom in horror film who’s about to get wacked

Pride and Prejudice, Antidote and Antivenom

My purpose on earth is to help in the project of UNDERSTANDING FEELINGS. What are they anyway? Are they aliens? Are we infected? I'm a scientist in the word lab. My address is: Pretty Baby Life-raft, The Sea.

finite. needy. prone to mistakes.

I came to see that the core of all my problems was my sense of inadequacy . . . At that time I didn't understand shame . . . in my grandiosity I was either superhuman (exceptional) or inhuman (wormlike.) I was never first human. If I tried to be more than human...

Misery and Justice

Misery and Justice

The Bible is maybe the most generic and unfocused self-help tool around. At the very least, it’s out of date.

Jealous Guy @ Facing Love Addiction

Jealous Guy @ Facing Love Addiction

Sometimes one partner chases, and the other is distant and avoidant. Other times the partners continually switch roles, in a cycle of come-here-go-away which is excruciating for both.

Lou Reed @ Dostoyevsky

Lou Reed @ Dostoyevsky

I’m not so into Jesus as a sufferer. I’m into him as a love teacher. That’s what he did.

I See You

I See You

“Evil was defined as the use of power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of their own sick selves.”

You are the one

You are the one

“Man’s lack of power to moderate and restrain the affects (emotions) I call Bondage.”