human puppy

human puppy

Am I worthy of love or should I have to pay for it? The currency: shells, blood, popcorn, promises. FULL STORY

Sex Life and Salary

Sex Life and Salary

The bag of bones and the skin. The thing we dress and clean and feed and stroke and long to have stroked. Pretty simple, stupid even. The bod.



Some adults are in intimate relationships. They are just really damn good at intimacy. The rest of us go at it like Pigpen in Peanuts. That’s how we love.

my lobotomy

my lobotomy

This movie was made a long time ago, so the old people in the movie are dead. And the young people are old. The children are grownups.



All those times she refused to carry herself.
It only makes sense that she was being carried.
She doesn’t have to admit it for it to be true.

what people need

what people need

of course when i say “kiss the snake” you think it’s something dirty. but i’m quoting rumi. so, it isn’t dirty.

his hidden percentage

his hidden percentage

Something is lurking under the surface. How do you know it’s there?
Because his skin is bad and he can’t sleep.

fm radio: weep in public

In honor of the 2014 Grammy awards, I listened to my clock radio for an hour, flipping around the dial. Just like the old days. Here’s what happened.

White Ellen

White Ellen

made of the classes at her academy, country club summers, saddle shoes, shaved legs made of elite institutions, air-conditioned museums…

Luxury Problems

Luxury Problems

Your iPhone pocket-called me the other day.
You were walking. I could hear your legs moving.
I was in your pants, after all, with the phone.