In men whom men condemn as ill I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men deem half divine I find so much of sin and blot…

Gifts. Turkey. Life.

Gifts. Turkey. Life.

tall and candy cane thin and wearing long underwear and grouchy and selfish and intolerant of the weak and impoverished and averse to christmas

Your Ass Don’t Listen

Your Ass Don’t Listen

But you know what? The sex was good. Up until the day he packed his stuff up and moved across the city. The sex was good, people.

Critically Wounded

Critically Wounded

Crazy Horse was a mighty warrior and an honorable chief. But the white men tricked him and ran a bayonet through his side.

Hara-kiri would work, but…

Hara-kiri would work, but…

Your crime has brought shame to your world. This is what you do to buy back your honor. Honor, more precious than life? I don’t think so.

Breaking the Waves

Breaking the Waves

If he starts telling you to do things, especially if these things are destructive to you or others, get a second opinion.

Passive, unfortunately

Passive, unfortunately

If you look at it, does that bring it alive? No, it’s already alive. Wishing for you to look.



Follow the path that takes you to Madonna, that makes you Madonna. That path.

Coating of Certainty

Coating of Certainty

It does appear that the wife is mad, shrieking and feral. Off she goes in the paddy wagon.

Out for Some Time

Out for Some Time

And I was deeply ashamed by the suggestion that I felt wrongly, or believed wrongly, or said the wrong things about the experience. It’s hard to be cool.

How has it changed?

How has it changed?

Oh, shut up, let me put on my hot pink lip gloss. It makes me feel like the day has changed.
Has the day changed?

a home for the friendless

a home for the friendless

We are given a couple of passionate kisses, and they are good ones. The kind of kisses a woman thinks about for the rest of her life.

how dying feels

dumb girl knows what she’s doing
(click through for video)

Distorted Thinking, Albert Camus

The question is whether life is worth living, or whether it is really just some absurd joke, a godless prank to be endured, and pointless to question.

Creative Shame Reduction Experiment 5: “Why Buddhism is True”

1. If we were going to tell you something about yourself that will be important, and helpful, it would be that you were onto something when you started emptying big words of their meaning. Words like love, time, person. And also, ignore everyone. 2. It's possible that...

accept honor engage feel

accept honor engage feel

[based on dialogue with Caroline Kelley, Phd. and Tim Lyons, almost Phd.] How do we live? How do we live our lives? Self-help? Is Self-help our god? The Gay Science, Eternal Recurrence, Every Aspect of Your Life Will Be Repeated Again and Again, What If, a philosophy...