Pushing the Broom

Pushing the Broom

  --"At certain periods a nation may be oppressed by such insupportable evils as to conceive the design of effecting a total change in its political constitution; at other times, the mischief lies still deeper and the existence of society itself is endangered....

Sensitive is the New Depressed

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/tiffanyladies1.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/bukows-key4.jpg']   “A subject would leave at midday with a variety of goals—withdraw money from the bank, buy...

Creative Shame Reduction Experiment 4:  Internal Family Systems

Creative Shame Reduction Experiment 4: Internal Family Systems

Visual aids and goodies from last week's session with Kimberlee Auerbach Berlin. (a wonderful guest! thank you Kimmi!) 1. here's a photo of the pulaski skyway 2. here's a story i wrote seven years ago about that experience i had on the bus in india traveling from...

The Artful Reciprocator

The Artful Reciprocator

"While we’re on the topic of reciprocation, allow me to digress and provide two power tips I learned from Robert Cialdini, the author of Influence: Science and Practice. First, when you’ve done something for someone, and the person thanks you, the optimal response is...

Babylon, the Great, Is Fallen

Babylon, the Great, Is Fallen

"Utter blankness, intolerable strain, shrieking despair, are just the essences they are, and they are unrolled and revealed to intuition like any other essences. But such intuitions, being those proper to the most brutal and rudimentary life, have a suasion in them...

Life of Brian

Life of Brian

"Cheer up, you old bugger. Worse things happen at sea. I mean what you got to lose? You come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing! Nothing will come from nothing. Know what I mean? Cheer up. Give us a grin. It's the end of the...

hasty entrenchment

hasty entrenchment

"Of all things, hard work has become a virtue instead of the curse it was always advertised to be by our remote ancestors. Our children should be prepared to bring their children up so they won't have to work as a neurotic necessity. The necessity to work is a...

never been frisked

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/wateroverthedam2.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/notequal.jpg'] "The fact that you may honestly believe that you are not biased against African Americans, and that...



"The thing that's the worst part is that a hundred years from now, hell, we ain't even gotta wait that long, the next day, ain't a living soul gonna care. Not a single memory of who you were is gonna survive. You won't have left a mark, and nobody will even know you...

the healthy oyster

the healthy oyster

    "How does a pearl develop in an oyster? A jagged grain of sand makes its way into the oyster's shell and makes its life unbearable. The oyster exudes slime to cover the grain of sand and the slime eventually hardens into a pearl. The oyster nearly dies...

a lucrative passion

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/whatwentwrong.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Screen-Shot-2013-06-05-at-11.09.56-AM.png'] "Throughout the day the doctor was conscious that the slightly dazed...

something to do with your foot

something to do with your foot

"Tactlessness is a pain-giving failure to hit upon the right moment; your tactless man will accost a busy friend and ask his advice, or serenade his sweetheart when she is sick of a fever. Should you be but now returned from a long journey, he will invite you to a...

before and after

before and after

Virtue and vice, or pleasure and pain are not my heritage, Nor sacred texts, nor offerings, nor prayer, nor pilgrimage: I am neither food, nor eating, nor yet the eater am I— Consciousness and joy incarnate, Bliss of the Blissful am I. Atma Satkam (Song of the Soul),...

♥ ∞ < Ø

♥ ∞ < Ø

Senior Class Awards Instructions Please nominate one girl (G) and one male (M) for each category of awards. These awards will be given out at our senior breakfast June 7th. Please include first and last names of the individuals you nominate. Most Likely to Be...

plays well with others

plays well with others

Some things to consider about communal living . . . How many people do you want around? On what basis will you select them? How will you support yourselves? How will each person have privacy? How will you deal with the government, with transient people, with runaways?...

Level Her Off

[flowplayer src='https://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/thethreestoogesneedyourlove1.m4v' splash='http://www.bootrundle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Screen-Shot-2013-05-17-at-5.09.34-PM2.png']     "Just because a cat has her kittens in an...

what i had learnt is mostly wrong

what i had learnt is mostly wrong

JUNE 1778, VALLEY FORGE this morn att two oClock we slung our packs / advanc'd towards the enemy about 3 milds from ware we lay / part of the militia & light hores that was on the wright engag'd the enemy / then our Division advanced towards the enemy / thay...