the book of going forth by day

the book of going forth by day

  in the end close of a long day saying to herself whom else time she stopped time she stopped going to and fro time she went and sat at her window quiet at her window only window facing other windows other only windows from rockaby, by samuel beckett  ...

(red) carpet treatment

(red) carpet treatment

    "Stop on the Day of Reckoning space. Receive $24,000 per child and pay off any loans. If you have a lot of money, spin the wheel and move on toward Millionaire Acres. Otherwise, bet what you have on a number. Spin the wheel. If your number comes up, you...

how could it hurt?

how could it hurt?

"If I am on fire, put me out. If you put me out by rolling me on the ground, do not let me roll down a hill. If I do roll down a hill and get stuck under some bushes, just leave me there; you've given me enough 'help' already." --Jack Handey [tooltip title=""...

Things I Don’t Understand

Things I Don’t Understand

We all have different experiences that influence our attitude toward something, but the fact is that the world's most knowledgeable art experts would not disagree very much on which are the best paintings. You can say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" or you can...

The Protest is Staged

The Protest is Staged

"It's a completely unnavigable river, always empty, because of its irregular course and its sand bars. In France, the Loire is considered a very beautiful river, especially because of its light . . . so soft, if you only knew." Marguerite Duras, from Hiroshima Mon...

the big salad

[flowplayer src='' splash=''] 8/20/94 SEINFELD "The Big Salad" #04-0602 THIS IS A TENTATIVE...

Wildlife in the Dunes

Wildlife in the Dunes

  "Not that anyone lived far from anyone else on the frontier. Each settler was required to build his home within a half-mile radius of the meeting-house and then as close to others as possible. Living too far out made you an automatic target for Indian attacks....

Time Passes and Music Plays

Time Passes and Music Plays

DIANNE: What's that called when they run around in a movie and live life to the hilt while the music plays? ADAM: A montage. DIANNE: That's it. They're both in this montage where time passes and music plays. They have kids. One second, the kids are tiny. The next,...



  "The great chief died and everybody's guts died with him." Edward G. Robinson, 1948 catalog of sorrows* i feel sorry for people who lie i feel sorry for restaurants with no patrons i feel sorry for thinning flocks of migrating geese even though geese are gross...

Swim Away

  [flowplayer src='' splash=''] "It was the eyes that got me," Rayber said. "Children may be attracted to...

not so hot on why

not so hot on why

"The little girl stretched both her hands into the air—and then the match went out, the Christmas candles all went higher and higher, and she saw that they were the bright stars. One of them fell, leaving a long fiery strip in the sky. 'Someone's dying!' said the...

the crazy angle

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "There was nothing in sight but woods, and Billy began to be...

Dredge the Brain

Dredge the Brain

"Because look at me--I'm fucking falling apart. I'm constantly corroding. If you stand still that's when it really gets you. Take a look at some of those steel buildings that have been there for a long time, they're just corroding. It's like a warning to me. Stay...

this was risk

this was risk

"Only a person who has lived through a time that threatens his life and that valuable substance, his individual freedom, with war, power, and tyrannical ideologies--only he knows how much courage, how much honesty and determination are needed to maintain the inner...


[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "The whale! The ship!" from Moby Dick by...

who you know

who you know

  --Bill O'Reilly: Let's get to Skull and Bones, because a lot of people have heard of that. This is a Yale thing. We know that George W. Bush and his father, President Bush, were both members. But this is like a fraternity, so what's the big deal here? --Jim...

women without

women without

  "She went downstairs, staggering now very badly, and awakened Mary Jane. "Wuzzat? Who? Huh?" said Mary Jane, sitting bolt upright on the couch. "Mary Jane. Listen. Please," Eloise said, sobbing. "You remember our freshman year, and I had that brown-and-yellow...