Rude Boy

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "If somebody holds two doors for you in a row, do you thank...

I’m lazy and I don’t like work.

I’m lazy and I don’t like work.

BD-3000 Luxury Droid: Maid of Metal "Nicknamed 'Betty Droids,' these graceful, gleaming mechanicals come in a number of bright colors. They serve wealthy owners as secretaries, butlers, and attendants on worlds such as Coruscant. Most Betty Droids are programmed to...

lows and highs

lows and highs

  "An even tougher example comes out of artist Sherrie Levine's practice of photographing works by other artists and displaying the simulacrum as her own. Her point is to explore the status of artworks today and the miniscule amount of creativity required for a...

Ballet Hangs On

Ballet Hangs On

"Ballet's relationship to time— the fact that the repertory, unanchored by text, is always vanishing, just as the dance image on the stage is always vanishing—forms a large part of the vividness and poignance of the art. We are always losing it, like life, and...

Amour Propre

Amour Propre

  'We may reduce almost all the moral instruction which has been or can be given to children to the following formula. "You must not do that." "Why not?" "Because it's naughty." "What does naughty mean?" "Doing what you are told not to do." "What harm is there in...

lost and dreaming

[flowplayer src='' splash=''] "I stop in front of the bus station, look in on the waiting people, and think about all...

Behind the Stove

Behind the Stove

A good rabbi named Eisik of Cracow had a dream. Three times he had it. The dream said: “Go to Prague, to the great bridge, and if you dig there you will find a buried treasure.” So Eisik walked all the way to Prague. He found the bridge, but it was heavily guarded....

Beer Battered Fries

Beer Battered Fries

  "I was employed as a house painter to do faux-painting in Mel Gibson's home . . . I believe it was Braveheart that was making Mel Gibson a ton of money at that time, which for us meant we could dedicate entire days to making a new door look old. Working with a large...

bright world

bright world

--This week Columbia University is mailing out to parents of freshmen a 27-page booklet, The Background of Student Unrest, which tries to calm fears about protests and demonstrations. Student activism "is a challenge to understanding, not an occasion for panic or for...

Males Compete for Space on the Beach

Males Compete for Space on the Beach

"The idea is to get away from one place, but I never get away, I never reach another place. I try to struggle with the things that bind me, but I forget the nature of the bonds. I go to the movies. I get up at four and read until dawn. I do everything but the work I...

he’s there to keep it going

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "'I had to climb a mountain. There were all kinds of obstacles in the...

noiseless soup spoon

noiseless soup spoon

  "Like the irate lady who appeared to Diane one night pulling a kiddy's red express wagon trimmed with bells and filled with cats in fancy hats and dresses. Like the man in Brooklyn called the Mystic Barber who teleported himself to Mars and said he was dead and...

Genius Horn Sample

Genius Horn Sample

  "The number 1 exists. You can always count further by adding 1 more. No amount of counting will bring you back to 1 again." --Peano's axioms for the natural numbers [tooltip title="" content="from The Kingdom of Infinite Number: A Field Guide (Bryan Bunch: W.H....

dogged again

dogged again

Tenth month, 1753. 23. Indulgence in bed an hour too long. Twelfth month 17. An hypochondriack obnubilation from wind and indigestion. Ninth Month 28. An over-dose of whiskey. 29. A dull, cross, cholerick day. First month, 1757. 22. A little swinish at dinner and...

Are you mad at me?

[flowplayer src='' splash='']   "My family says: "Don't ever see him again!" And implies things in a low voice. But my eyes have...

Large Pearl

Large Pearl

    "There is a life-sized bronze statue of Woody Allen in Spain. (fact) Onion comes from a Latin word meaning large pearl. (fact) There are more chickens than people in the world. (fact) The models for Rodin's The Kiss were his parents. (crap) Venus spins...

the arena

the arena

  "That sorrow can make one demented may be granted and is hard enough; that there is a strength of will that hauls close enough to the wind to save the understanding, even if the strain turns one slightly odd, that too may be granted. I don’t mean to decry that....

journeys are good

journeys are good

You’ve heard the one about turning lemons into lemonade. And you’re willing to try. But how are you going to do it without sugar?